Empower your post production
Your work deserves better editing.

Better edits
Want to up your editing game? Guess what? It’ll make you a better photographer.

Better work
Want to make better work? Guess what? It’ll bring better clients!

Better clients
Want better clients? Guess what? They’ll make you a happier, wealthier artist.
Hell to the yeah, it does!
We pour so much of ourselves into our photography. We shoot our hearts out. We compose with careful attention. We light with purpose. We go for moments that matter. And nothing can make all of that shine, like better post production. It’s time for a master key, to unlock your work’s greatest potential.
Behold Editopia
The post production course to end all post production courses, from Two Mann Studios.
Give your work a whole new life.

Creative vision
If you can’t imagine it, you can’t create it. Editopia will get inside yer head, change the way you see & think, and transform your post production in ways you never imagined possible. Once you start seeing the potential that you couldn’t see before, your work will never be the same.
Killer skills
Once you can see it in your mind, the only thing preventing your post production from living up to full potential, are the necessary skills to execute your vision. Editopia is gonna give you those skills, and turn you into a photo-editing Jedi master.

Holy fu*k factor
The difference between good post production, and exceptional post production, can be the difference between, “Oh thanks, those are nice photos” and “Oh my fu*king gawd, we are literally screaming, crying, throwing up right now” (actual response from actual groom).
Start editing how it feels?
Photography is like writing down the RAW musical notes. Post production is the performance of the symphony. If you’re ready to start playing it like you mean it, then you’re ready for Editopia. Your work deserves it. Your clients deserve it. Your career deserves it.
Toggle this sh*t.
See that little toggle switch below? If only it were that easy, eh?
Meet your
jedi master
Lanny Mann obsesses over many things. Two of them, are post production and education. He edits like the fate of the universe depends on it. And he teaches with his heart wide open, hell bent on giving his students the absolute best experience he can.

Lanny’s my Mann
Meet Lanny (he/him). I’ve been married to him for over 15 years now. He’s the most driven, hardworking person I know. When he does something, whether it’s making a pour-over coffee, shooting a wedding, or training for a race, he does it with a standard of excellence and obsessive focus second to none. There is no rushing this Mann. He will never compromise quality for an improvement in efficiency (especially his morning coffee). As his wife, it drives me nuts, but it’s also what I love about him (just don’t tell him).
Yeah, he doesn’t suck.
Hey, it’s Erika here. Lanny hates to brag, so I’m gonna do it for him (grudgingly). I hate to admit it, but his vision and post production (and ridiculous standards) are a huge part of Two Mann’s success. I’m not sure there’s a human on this planet, who can edit—and teach editing—the way Lanny does. He sucks at a lot of things (trust me), but he doesn’t suck at this.
hours of practice
They say it takes ten thousand hours of practice to become a true master. Well, Lanny blew past that a long time ago. Does that mean he’s mastered life outside of Photoshop? Fu*k no!
international awards
We have mixed feelings about awards. But we tend to win them. And I guess Lanny’s editing has something to do with it. And Editopia probably has something to do with all those alumni awards.
artisanal edits
And these aren’t just quick n’ dirty, batch-processed edits. We’re talking, custom-toned, hand-crafted, artisan edits by Lanny himself. When it comes to editing, he just might be the GOAT.
WTF is Editopia?
12 years and thousands of hours in the making, Editopia is a no-bullshit, everything-we-got, educational experience, that pulls back the veil on everything (and we mean everything) about our post production. It’s not a mini class. It’s not a masterclass. It’s a fu*king PhD.
Before sucked
Looking back at our earlier days as photographers, it’s kinda like looking back at our straight-out-of-camera shit. It was always there. We just didn’t know how to unlock it’s potential—our potential. We struggled hard to get it where we wanted. But we were always a shade shy of truly loving it. It was a necessary struggle, but man was it frustrating.
After kicks ass
Looking at our work now—our clients now—our career now, it’s kinda like looking at our artisan edits. It looks the way we always wanted it to look. It makes our clients feel the way we always wanted them to feel. It’s not like we’ve got it all figured out now, believe me! But that’s why we’re artists—to struggle for the things we’re willing to struggle for.
All genres.
You don’t have to be a wedding photographer. You don’t have to shoot like Two Mann. You don’t have to light like Two Mann. You don’t have to have any desire to photograph anything like us at all. As long as you’re a photographer of any kind, Editopia is made for you.
All styles.
You don’t have to like dark & moody. You don’t have to like light & airy. You don’t have to like any style that you don’t wanna like (except classic… you have to like classic). Regardless of your taste, if you’re in the business of making photos of any kind, Editopia is made for you.
Here’s what you get…
This isn’t just some lame-ass online course that takes your money, and then forgets about you. When you sign on for Editopia, you’re signing on for an immersive experience. Think of it like a university semester program, with a professor who actually gives a shit.

Treasure Trove of Gold
Can you believe we brought in a professional film crew for this sh*t? I mean, it’s just me, sitting in front of a computer, in a t-shirt, for crying out loud.
But let’s face it, if you’re gonna be subjected to watching me edit my brain out for this much of your precious time—it better be good.
And Erika says,
“It’s so fu*king good. It’s like you’re right there beside him, watching his every move, hearing his every mouse click, and sharing in every painfully over-thought decision he makes. Christ, I can practically smell his B.O.”
From raw turds to polished gold, get ready to have the entire Two Mann post production spell deconstructed for you. I’m gonna show you every step of the workflow, every piece of the puzzle, and every tip n’ trick I know for pulling maximum potential out of your photos.
Live Q&As
Lanny does live Q&A’s, just for his Editopians. So you can ask him anything and everything, live and face-to-face (or anonymously, if that’s more comfortable for you). And you better believe that he’s as open, honest, and thorough as you deserve. Nothing gets glossed over. And nothing is off limits!
Don’t worry if you can’t attend live. No question will go unanswered. And the recordings will be available for you forever.

Editopia Mannual
It’s one thing to hear me wax poetic about Gaussian Blur filters and masking layers for the hundredth time. As Erika said, “Lanny makes sitting at a computer look sexy!” But, without knowing what the hell a Gaussian Blur is, you’ll be back at that YouTube rabbit hole, misspelling gaussian, and not fully getting what the hell I’m on about. This Mannual (see what we did there!) is the essential Editopia guidebook to accompany your adventures in post production.
Coaching & Critiques
Editopia is so much more than just an online course – it’s a Two Mann mentorship. From start to finish, Lanny will be right there by your side, coaching your progress through it all. He’s taking you under his wings for this, and he wants you to fly!
If you haven’t witnessed the joy that is Lanny and Erika doing Drunken Critiques before, I implore you to get thee to a screen near you soon! And since I make the margaritas, you know this will be fun. Critiquing is worthless without coaching. It’s an important part of how humans learn and how Lanny likes to teach.

Raw Practice Files
Yes, you can have all the raw files. Bet you never thought you’d hear a photographer say that, eh? But I want you to be able to practice, hands-on, right alongside me. And not just on your files, but also on the exact same ones I’m demonstrating before your eyes. So you can pause. Try it yourself. Rewind. Try it again. And again. And actually learn this shit.
Live Demos
In addition to all the carefully recorded editing demos in Editopia, Lanny goes LIVE, from time to time in the exclusive Editopia group, for even more, extra-bonus demos.
These ones will be live and interactive, meaning you can watch in real time, and ask anything you want, just like you would at a live in-person workshop.
Don’t worry if you can’t attend live. The recordings will be available for you, forever.

Lifetime Access
Yup, you read that correctly! Something we have not offered before on any of our courses. Your access to Editopia is forever. Some smarty pants people will learn what I teach in a few milliseconds, but the majority of you need more time to really grasp the concepts and try them over and over again as you perfect your vision. Lifetime access means you get to pop back into the course a few years from now when you’ve grown as a photographer and want to try new things or refresh your memory.
$600 Scholarship
Bundling the Editopia with Metanoia, saves you $600 and give you lifetime access to the ultimate editing course, AND the ultimate photography semester program.

Here, watch some samples.
We want you to get a real sense of what to expect, so here’s 0.07% of what’s in store for you at Editopia.
1.07 Two Manns, Two Workflows

2.11 Fast Food Demos

3.21 Layer Mania

Real words from real alumni.
Don’t take our word for it. Take theirs.
Max Sadik
Kat Macdonald
Will MacMeeken
Marcin Tokarczyk
Kristen Rutherford
Washington, DC
Jessica Dolly
New York
Editopia is not the blue pill

You want honest? Everything at Editopia is fully exposed and totally transparent. There’s no fluff. There’s no sugar coating. There’s no bullshit. You’re gonna see how the sausage is really made.

No Rocket
Colour science, histograms, RGB pixels, blah, blah, blah. Editopia is not about math and science. It’s about art and craft. It takes all the technical bullshit, and distills it down to what matters and makes sense for visual artists.

Magic Pill
Editopia is not a magic pill. It’s a guiding light through the perplexing jungle of post production. The results might look like magic, but they’re hard earned. Editopia doesn’t teleport you to the summit—it lights a crystal clear path.
Editopia is the red pill

Once you’ve seen what you couldn’t see before, there’s no turning back. Editopia’s gonna open your eyes, transform your outlook, and elevate your post production in ways you never thought possible.

Impossible Techniques
Editopia is gonna show you the most powerful editing techniques known to Mann, and how to use them to elevate your work to a whole ‘nother level.

Mind Blowing
In the end, what really matters are your results. They’re gonna blow you (and your clients) away!
Editopia hall of fame.
These world renowned photographers have all done Editopia. Their work speaks for itself.
Well, that’s a no brainer.
We promise, you will not be disappointed.
Got questions?
You can ask us anything about Editopa. DM us, email, messenger, phone, text, however you want. Our answer will always be 100% honest. Here are some frequently asked doozies.
Yes. I teach Lightroom & Photoshop. Both are covered in this workshop.
Yes. I teach Lightroom & Photoshop. Both are covered in this workshop.
You say tomato, I say tomato. You say Styles, I say Presets. The fundamental strategies and first principles of Editopia transcend software. No, I don’t use C1. No, I don’t teach it. But don’t worry. And don’t take my word for it. Take this guy’s…
“I was worried that none of Editopia would apply to me, because I don’t use Adobe software. What I found was a wealth of inspiration I could apply to the similar (but more powerful) tools within Capture One. A lot of Lanny’s approach, I have found to work great within Capture One itself! The mindset of editing doesn’t change with the software you’re using. I had to transpose a few mouse clicks and sliders, but the end results were the same (or better) than if I was using Lightroom/ACR/Photoshop.” — Dave Fay (allergic to Adobe)
What I wouldn’t give to have had this course available when we started shooting weddings. We all begin somewhere. You have your whole career ahead of you. Why not start with some editing magic now as you learn, grow, flex, grow some more, learn some more, flex some more? To me, the label ‘beginner’ is a trap. It’s a trick you are playing with yourself that you won’t grasp the concepts. Editopia was built for ALL levels. Newbies, masters, and everyone in between. Our teaching style is accessible and fun. Yes, Photoshop is fun! Yes, editing is fun!
For a “seasoned pro,” some of Editopia will reaffirm what you’re already doing. Some of it will present new ways of approaching old problems. Some of it will expose blind spots. Some of it will challenge you to question long held beliefs. And some of it will rock your world. Editopia is precisely designed for artists like us. It’s about getting from the work we’re currently making – to the work we’re aspiring to make; deeper, more meaningful, more complex, more simple. We know that our greatest work is still ahead of us; that there are undiscovered reservoirs of untapped potential. Editopia is about exploring how we can tap into that potential. Ultimately, Editopia isn’t about learning new tricks (although I’ve got more than a few up my sleeves). It’s about shifting the way you approach post production. After all, the photographers whose snow globes are in need of the biggest shakeup are usually the “seasoned pros” like us.
Yep. If you want it, I’m here for it. I’m setting asside office hours just for you. These office hours will be available on select days throughout the year. They will also be limited to one per student.
Absofuckinlutely! You get all the raw practice files, so that you can get your hands right in there on the exact same images I’m teaching with. So you can follow along with every step, at your pace, on your computer.
We’d say “forever,” except when we’re in our 90’s, we may stop paying our Kajabi (where the workshop is hosted) subscription. It will likely be obsolete by then too.
It doesn’t. It just doesn’t. But if for some reason you think it does within 30 days. BOOM—all your money back, just like that. No questions asked.
You shouldn’t. Take our alumni’s words for it. There are tones of them all over the place. Don’t know any? Just ask, and we’ll help connect ya.
That’s a hard YES. You automatically get a $890 scholarship to 2MU Metanoia. That’s right, that’s every penny of this entire investment.
All live Q & A sessions will be recoreded and kept in our private Facebook group, so that you can watch them at your convenience.
This course will make you a better photographer and better editor. Those changes alone should affect your bottom line.
How much?
Immediate access to everything, forever (you will never lose access).
1 payment
6 payments
Supercharge your experience
Exclusive opportunities available only for past and future Metanoia alumni.

$600 credit
Combine with Metanoia for the ultimate photography training program known Two Mann.
This is an exclusive offer for photographers who want to enroll for both Metanoia + Editopia together.