Balls Out in Greece
International Wedding Photography Workshop
At several points during the last week, we had to pinch ourselves. We literally looked around and thought, “damn!?” There we were, in a mountain-top villa, overlooking the Aegean Sea, teaching, learning, and sharing with photographers from every corner of the globe. Our first international workshop “marathon” (6 solid days) took place in Marathon, Greece. We had photographers join us from Dubai, India, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Greece. It was so cool to listen to all the different languages and accents and to hear about all the different (and similar) wedding cultures from around the world. But more than anything, the week confirmed our belief and experience that wedding photographers, across the world, can be one the most fun, outgoing, and humble subcultures.
I’m not sure if it was the rich multiculturalism, Yiannis’ nightly cocktails, the Duchies hilarious banter, Monique’s amazing home-cooked meals, the pure awesomeness of the location, or a combination of it all, but there was something truly unique and undefinable about these workshops. Lanny and I feed off the energy of the group, and this combination of photographers brought such an incredible energy. Bringing together a group of amazing people for a Balls Out Workshop is something we can only ever hope for… not something we can create. If you’ve seen Lanny and I speak, you’ve heard us talk about “The Art of Getting Lucky.” As luck would have it, we seem to get lucky with our workshop groups. The learning that takes place is multidirectional. I am pretty sure that Lanny and I come away from our workshops having learned more than everyone else!
We also owe a huge, heartfelt thank you to Thanasis Kaiafas, whose help and local knowledge were instrumental in bringing these workshops to life!
We left Greece exhausted, excited, filled with love, and hungry to create more experiences like this for ourselves and others. We have some new, really exciting workshop announcements (and scholarship opportunities) coming very soon! If you’d like to be the first to know, just request to be added to our “Two Mann Workshop News” group on Facebook.
Thank you SO MUCH, to all the incredible photographers who have trusted us on this journey. We are so lucky to be able to share what we love, with people we love, in places we love.
Here are some behind-the-scenes photos from the Greece workshops, taken mostly by all the talented photographers in the groups (plus a few from our live demo shoots).
And thank you to Jesse for these kind words!